Tanzania currency information

Examples of the currency of Tanzania

Oficial currency

The official currency of Tanzania since 1966 is the Tanzanian Shilling (TZS). Before 1966, it was the East African Shilling.

The coins in circulation have the following denominations: 50, 100, 200 and 500 TZS. The banknotes have these denominations: 500, 1000, 2000, 5000 and 10.000 TZS. 

The use of US dollars is common in Tanzania, but they need to be printed before 2009 to avoid them being rejected. 

Credit cards

Credit cards are accepted in Tanzania, especially in places of tourist importance and big cities. However, it’s not entirely recommended: non-cash payments have a 3.5% commission, which can be higher if your bank account is in a currency different from US dollars. 


The ATMs don’t dispense US dollars, only Tanzanian Shillings. They are commonly found in Tanzanian cities and airports, but less so in small towns and villages. The usual limit for withdrawals is 400.000 TZS, although it can be lower outside of big cities and tourist places. But, since there’s no limit to the amount of withdrawals you can make, you can end up leaving the ATM with more than 400.000 TZS in your pocket. Most ATMs have withdrawal fees.

It’s recommended to limit withdrawals to ATMs located inside banks, particularly those of Barclays, NBC and CRDB bank.

If you travel to Tanzania and also to Zanzibar, then you should know that you can only find ATMs at the airport and in Stone Town, not in Pemba or Mafia Island.


Banks in Tanzania open from Monday to Friday, and for a shorter window of time on Saturdays. 

If you go to a bank to withdraw currency as a foreigner, don’t forget your passport. It’s mandatory for tourists. It won’t be necessary if you use the ATMs inside a bank, but it will be to make a withdrawal at the counter. 

Currency restrictions

Foreign travelers, unless they’re citizens of Kenya or Uganda, can’t leave or enter Tanzania having Tanzanian Shillings on their power. Also, it’s mandatory to declare sums higher than USD$10,000 of foreign currency. 

Exchange rates

Check all the current exchange rates for the Tanzanian Shilling on this website

Customs and duty free

Regulated imports and exports

These items can be imported and exported freely: 250g of tobacco, 1 l of liquor, 2 l of wine, half a liter of perfume or eau de toilette (with up to a quarter of perfume), goods up to 500 dollars, and anything that has been manufactured in Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda or Burundi.

Banned imports & exports

The following items can’t be brought into Tanzania:

  • Pornography and obscene articles or materials of any kind
  • Matches with traces of white phosphorus
  • Counterfeit currency and goods of any kind
  • Narcotics
  • Used tires
  • Cosmetic products with traces of mercury
  • Hazardous waste
  • Distilled liquids that contain essential perjudicial oils and/or chemicals.

The import of firearms, ammunition, plants, plant products and pets is regulated, which means that you will have to get a permit before traveling to be allowed to enter the country. 

In the case of pets (cats and dogs), they must also be vaccinated against rabies. Dogs for less than 3 years and 6 months before traveling, and cats for less than 1 year and 1 month.

Banned exports

The export of animals or animal products (live or dead, like bones, ivory or feathers) is strictly forbidden for travelers that don’t have authorization from the government. It’s also forbidden to leave Tanzania having gold, diamonds and any piece of flora or fauna.